Saturday, September 29, 2007

totally dude

i get knocked down, but i get up again, you're never gonna keep me down, i get knocked down....

just recently i found out what that song really means. all this time i thought it was about falling down...and then getting back up. literally...falling down and literally...getting back up.

who would make a song otherwise?

oh goodness

mayo won their homecoming game :) :) :)


problem? century won too...

i am thinking of maybe giving up on the idea of being big nine champs... :(

i've just grown so accustomed to will be sad.

"i know it's childish...but so is high school"

1 comment:

Tony Adkins said...

haha and who would say "double-u double-u i i i" when they mean world war 3?!
and century ended up winning? that's horrible. at least they will lose next week oops i jinxed it.